Zenbarn joins Everyone Eats free-meals program

December 18, 2020  |  By Waterbury Roundabout 
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Waterbury Center restaurant Zenbarn has joined a statewide program to help ensure that those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic have enough to eat. 

Everyone Eats is an effort to both provide nutritious meals to Vermonters in need of food assistance and create a source of income for restaurants, farmers and other food producers hit by the loss of business during this crisis. 

The state Legislature directed federal CARES Act funding to the project which is being coordinated through Southeastern Vermont Community Action. Several dozen restaurants across Vermont are taking part.  

So far, Zenbarn is the only Waterbury restaurant participating but a handful of other establishments nearby in Stowe, Waitsfield and Montpelier are also on the roster. 

The restaurants make specific meals available through the program that participants can access online or using a smartphone app. For example, Zenbarn is offering its burgers and side salads to start. 

For more information, visit zenbarnvt.com or the Localvore Passport website which has the signup details. 


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